

Summary of Who We Are- by Digital Marketing Solutions, LLC.

P.A.S. [] is the leading penny auction software designed and developed from the ground up by a leading American software firm based in Michigan and California. It is the only penny auction software in the market that guarantees it works. We are NOT a firm that sells you a cheap software script and promises you that you will make a lot of money in this business. We are a professional full service firm that provides software development and design for Penny Auction website owners. Our services including Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Hosting and E-marketing services. No should be designed as one solution fits all. Depending on the number of current customers you are serving or projected; we will customize our P.A.S. to fit your business need. We, do however, have our standard package which will meet most, if not all, of your “starting out” as new penny auction company.

– Founded in 1995 as a Computer Training & Network firm and merged into Web Design & Software Development in 2003.
– Delivered over 300 website projects
– Complete and delivered 14 large & complex web applications including the most popular Penny Auction Software in the world.
– Leading by Phillip Nguyen who has 21 years in I.T. with advance degrees in software engineering and information system management.
– 21 Full-Time Staff with a combination of more than 100 years of Web Design & Development experiences: 2 project managers, 6 software engineers, 4 graphic designers, 2 search engines & internet marketing specialist, 2 multi-media specialist, 2 server & network specialist, and 3 supporting staff.
– 91% on time and on budget.
– 98% retention rate
– Member of BBB – Rated A+

Thank you and your Penny Auction Software team is looking forward to be serving you. Click on the following links for more details about our Penny Auction Software Specs, our Penny Auction Samples, our PAS FAQs, our Penny Auction Videos, our Penny Auction Pricing, our Penny Auction Server Requirements or Contact Us.

Write to us.
Genernal Main Office – 6633 South Division S.E. Grand Rand Rapids, Michigan 49508.
P.A.S. Office – 10966 Valldemosa Ln. San Diego, Cailfornia 92124